The Daily News

Gambling News Dec 4, 2023

daily news

Founded in 1919, the New York Daily News was the first successful tabloid newspaper in the United States. It attracted readers with sensational coverage of crime, scandal and violence, lurid photographs, and cartoons and entertainment features. By 1930 it was the sixth largest newspaper in the world.

The Daily News was a strong ally of the Republican Party and supported isolationism in the early days of World War II. After that, it shifted to a more liberal editorial position and, in the 1970s, became a competitor of the Post (which had been a Democratic bastion). The News is renowned for its investigative journalism, especially during the frenzied period surrounding the Watergate scandals. It also is a major source for political analysis and commentary.

Throughout the years, the newspaper has been the subject of many literary works, including fiction, poetry, memoirs, essays and plays. Its columns have covered a wide range of topics, from city politics to celebrity gossip and sports. The Daily News is a major source for city news and has long competed with the Post in circulation. The newspaper has an extensive arts and entertainment section, as well as a classified ads area.

Its famous slogan is, “News you can trust”. The paper’s staff includes a number of award-winning journalists and columnists. The editorial stance is described by the New York Times as “flexibly centrist” with a “high-minded, if populist, legacy”.

In addition to news and opinion articles, the Daily News contains sports and celebrity columns, classified ads, and a huge photo section. During its heyday, the Daily News was famous for a variety of sensational and often salacious headlines, such as, “Ford to City: Drop Dead” (1975). The New York Daily News is a major source for baseball, basketball, football, and other sports news in the city.

The newspaper has a website and an iPad app, both of which allow readers to access the newspaper’s full content. The website has several search functions and a link to a free daily newsletter, called “The Daily Dose.” In addition to a regular print edition, the Daily News offers a special Sunday issue for subscribers.

The Yale Daily News is published every weekday during the academic year. It is the oldest college daily newspaper in the country. The News is financially and editorially independent from the university. A number of its writers and contributors have gone on to prominent careers in journalism and public life, such as William F. Buckley, Lan Samantha Chang, John Hersey, Joseph Lieberman, Sargent Shriver, Garry Trudeau, and Strobe Talbott. Unauthorized reproduction of Yale Daily News material is prohibited. For information about obtaining permission to reproduce Yale Daily News material, please visit the Yale Daily News Rights and Permissions page. Copyright 2022 The Daily News Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent is strictly prohibited. The Daily News is published by The Daily News Publishing Company, a subsidiary of Tronc, Inc., in partnership with the University of Chicago.