Daily News Sources For UPSC Aspirants

Gambling News Dec 25, 2023

Daily news is the latest information about politics, sports, business and more. It is often published in print and on television, but can also be found on the internet. Daily news usually includes reports from local and national sources, as well as original analysis. This type of news is often considered to be more trustworthy than other types of news, as it is often less biased and contains fewer opinions.

The Yale Daily News (YDN) is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States, founded on January 28, 1878. The YDN is free and serves the Yale and New Haven communities. It publishes Monday through Friday during the academic year and also produces a weekly magazine and several special issue editions, including the Yale-Harvard Game Day Issue and Commencement Issue. In addition, the YDN has recently begun producing special issues that celebrate Yale’s Indigenous, Black, Latino and Asian American communities in collaboration with campus organizations.

In the past, the YDN has been home to numerous prominent journalists and public figures, including William F. Buckley, Lan Samantha Chang, John Hersey, Joseph Lieberman, Sargent Shriver, and Paul Steiger. The YDN’s editorials have addressed a wide variety of topics, from the economic crisis of 1929 to civil rights and women’s issues. The YDN has always sought to be fair and objective in its coverage, while at the same time encouraging debate among its readers.

This website features digitized versions of many of the printed editions of the Yale Daily News from its founding on January 28, 1878 through 2022. The digitized pages may be viewed online and downloaded. The archive is a product of the Yale Library Digital Initiative.

A curated collection of news articles related to the Great Lakes region, compiled and delivered daily by the Great Lakes Commission’s staff. Great Lakes Daily News, formerly GLIN Daily News, is an essential tool for understanding regional issues and developments and a useful way to keep up with the latest media coverage on these topics.

This page provides daily current affairs for UPSC aspirants, ranging from environmental issues to government policies on economic growth and more. Aspirants can find the latest updates and insights into important financial issues such as inflation, GDP growth and stock market movements. In addition, this page provides details on recent scientific breakthroughs and their impact on society. It also covers key government initiatives aimed at promoting scientific research and innovation, such as Make in India, Start-up India and more. It is critical for IAS aspirants to stay updated on these matters, in order to ensure that they are prepared to tackle them in the examination. In addition, this page includes links to various reputed news sites that provide comprehensive coverage of these and other important issues. It is a must-have resource for any IAS aspirant’s preparation.