Business News – Empowering Business Owners With Actionable Information

Gambling News Nov 8, 2023

A business is any entity that seeks profit from activities that provide goods or services people want or need. Profit can be realized in a variety of ways, including cash payment or trading securities (stocks and cryptocurrencies) as well as barter-style trades of one good for another. Businesses can be as small as individuals with side hustles and as large as multinational corporations.

Business news is a genre of journalism that tracks, records and analyzes the business, economic and financial activities of societies. It is a core component of the news industry, with broad coverage in most newspapers, magazines and radio-news programs. Historically, the term has been primarily associated with reporting on business and corporate news, but in recent years, it has expanded to cover a broader range of economic news.

The history of business news dates back to 1700, when Daniel Defoe began publishing the financial and business news of the day in his newspapers. In 1902, muckraking journalist Ida Tarbell wrote about the monopoly power of Standard Oil and inspired thousands of journalists to follow in her footsteps. Today, business news is a key component of all major print and online newspapers, and many television and radio-news programs feature dedicated business segments.

At Business News Daily, we believe that empowering business owners with actionable information is the best way to help them grow their businesses and improve their lives. Our team of business experts researches and writes content that is specifically designed to provide the latest, most relevant, and comprehensive business news for you to use as your guide for running a successful business.

Business News Daily offers several email newsletters that keep you up to date on the business of New York and beyond. Breaking News – Be the first to know when big business stories break. Delivered as they happen. Morning 10 – A carefully curated roundup of the top business news stories you need to start your day. Delivered weekday mornings. Health Pulse – A daily update on the latest developments in New York’s healthcare industry. Delivered weekday afternoons.

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If you have a question about business news, or if you need assistance with your research, please contact the Business Reference Desk by phone at 212-507-3275 or through our Ask-A-Librarian service.

This guide is compiled by specialists in Business Reference Services at the Library of Congress. We’re always working to improve it, so if you have any suggestions for improving this guide or have questions about your ability to access business news resources, please let us know! You can reach us by phone or email from anywhere in the world. We look forward to hearing from you!